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Tunesmith wallowa county oregon

tunesmith wallowa county oregon

Do not insert commas between the name and the first song number. Do not put state names or abbreviations after singers names. Multi-Day Singings Indicate the start of a second or third day of singing with the day and date spelled out on a line by itself.

tunesmith wallowa county oregon

Breaks Indicate breaks using or, capitalized as shown, and on a line by themselves. Name/Location/Date/Time Start the minutes with exactly three lines showing: 1) the name of the singing, 2) the location, and 3) the calendar date(s) on which it was held. Please familiarize yourself with the general format and style of the minutes of other singings and use the same format and style for your minutes.


For more information, please see or contact David Ivey.ģ HOW TO SUBMIT MINUTES Minutes are compiled and submitted by the secretary of the singing. Memorial or in honor contributions will be acknowledged at your request. SHMHA gratefully accepts tax deductible contributions of cash, stock, or other property to support projects to promote Sacred Harp singing. This publication has an annual circulation of more than 3,000 to singers across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia. The Sacred Harp Musical Heritage Association is delegated the responsibility for the publication, printing, and distribution of the Directory and Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings by the Alabama State Sacred Harp Convention. SHMHA s annual meeting takes place on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in November. SHMHA publishes the Directory and Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings, sponsors Camp Fasola, hosts the web site, and facilitates other projects to promote Sacred Harp singing. SHMHA s interests include singing schools, singings/conventions, traditional singing practices, and the history and traditions of Sacred Harp. 1 Sacred Harp Singings 2019 & 2020 How to Submit Minutes 3 Instructions / Deadlines Directory Annual Singings 7 Fifth Sunday Singings 29 Local Singings 31 Directions to Churches Minutes Key to Singing Book Abbreviations 48 Minutes 49 Historical Memorial Project 349 Deaths 351 ONLINE EDITION Editorial Staff: Judy Caudle, David Ivey, Samuel Sommers Production: Chris Thorman, Carolyn DeacyĢ Sacred Harp Musical Heritage Association The Sacred Harp Musical Heritage Association (SHMHA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose purpose is the perpetuation and preservation of Sacred Harp singing and its traditions.

Tunesmith wallowa county oregon